Diagramming AI

Creating, Chatting, and Updating Diagrams

Diagramming AI offers various features, but this article focuses on the basic cycle from creating diagrams to updating them. With AI, you can efficiently and powerfully create diagrams for various purposes.

1. Creating Diagrams

First, let's create a diagram using the "New Product Development Decision Process" as an example. In Auto mode, when you enter specific instructions for creating a diagram into the text area, AI generates the diagram as you envisioned. If you choose a template, no instructions are needed, and AI automatically generates the diagram according to the selected template.


Every time you press Submit, a new diagram is generated. After creating several diagrams, we recommend saving a diagram that seems like a good base. You can then use this diagram as a foundation to further improve it with AI.


2. Discussing and Updating Diagrams

Open the Chat tab. By default, four template texts are saved, and clicking a button inserts the text into the text area. Here, let's press "Add." You can prompt AI to suggest additional processes or flows. By discussing various aspects of the diagram with AI, you can identify any missing processes or obtain better improvement ideas.


Copy the suggested content for later. Then, open the Update tab. Paste the AI's suggested content into the text area and submit. This allows you to update the diagram according to the content. You can improve the diagram by instructing additions, deletions, modifications, or styling of items in the diagram according to your objective. If you wish to disregard the AI's suggestion, you can revert to the previous state by pressing the Undo button.


3. Saving and Re-updating Diagrams

Open the Saved tab and click the 'Restore' button to retrieve the saved diagram state. This serves as a basis for further discussions and improvements.


4. Direct Diagram Editing

Diagramming AI supports mermaid.js and plantuml, allowing for editing at any time via the Code tab editor. Mermaid.js is supported by GitHub, Notion, and various other sites, making it a convenient tool for embedding charts. PlantUML allows for creating diverse diagrams with expressive power. Both are code-based UML diagramming tools.

Switch between them using the mermaid or plantuml button located at the bottom left of the diagram display area.


Additionally, for some diagrams, a "Quick Edit" feature is available, enabling swift and simple diagram editing.
