Diagramming AI


Flowcharts Overview

Flowcharts are essential tools for visualizing processes with simple arrows and boxes, widely used across various business scenarios. This article introduces five types of flowcharts suitable for business and four practical use cases. Flowcharts can streamline project management, enhance productivity, and facilitate continuous improvement by clearly mapping out workflows. Types include document flowcharts for managing document processes, data flowcharts for system data pathways, swimlane charts for team responsibilities, workflow charts for office tasks, and EPC flowcharts for business processes. Use cases include strategic planning, continuous improvement, creating new strategies, and training materials.

Flowcharts with Diagramming AI

Diagramming AI provides the functionality to generate flowcharts. While there are many use cases for flowcharts, here we introduce the generation of flowcharts with specific examples.

Flowchart Diagram Examples

Workflow Chart

Example: Product Sales Flow

Specific Case: Illustrates the workflow from store opening preparation, customer service at the register, to store closing tasks in a retail setting. Useful for training new employees.

Instruction text for AI

Illustrates the workflow from store opening preparation, customer service at the register, to store closing tasks in a retail setting. Useful for training new employees.

Generated Diagram (mermaid): ~~ Templates: Flowchart - General ~~


Generated Code

flowchart TD
  Start[Store Opening Preparation] --> RegisterService[Customer Service at Register]
  RegisterService -->|Sale| Bagging[Packing Items]
  RegisterService -->|Return| ProcessingReturn[Return Processing]
  Bagging --> ThankYou[Say Thank You]
  ProcessingReturn --> ResolveIssue[Resolve Return Issue]
  ResolveIssue --> Refund[Process Refund]
  ThankYou --> RegularCustomer[Recognize Regular Customers]
  RegularCustomer --> OfferLoyalty[Loyalty Program Offer]
  OfferLoyalty --> RegisterService
  Bagging -->|Assistance Needed| CallHelper[Call for Assistance]
  RegisterService -->|End of Day| ClosingTasks[Store Closing Tasks]

  ClosingTasks --> CheckInventory[Check Inventory]
  ClosingTasks --> CleanRegisterArea[Clean Register Area]
  ClosingTasks --> CashCount[Cash Count]
  CashCount -->|Discrepancy| InvestigateDiscrepancy[Investigate Discrepancy]
  InvestigateDiscrepancy --> ResolveDiscrepancy[Resolve Cash Discrepancy]
  ResolveDiscrepancy --> CompleteClosing[Complete Store Closing]

  CleanRegisterArea --> SweepFloor[Sweep Store Floor]
  SweepFloor --> TurnOffLights[Turn Off Lights]
  TurnOffLights --> LockDoors[Lock Store Doors]
  LockDoors --> End((End))

Generated Diagram (mermaid) ~~ Templates: Flowchart - With Subgraph Lane ~~


Generated Code

graph TB
  subgraph SA[Store Opening Preparation]
      A[Unlock Store]
      B[Turn on Lights]
      C[Setup Registers]
      D[Stock Shelves]
  subgraph SB[Customer Service]
      E[Greet Customers]
      F[Assist on Sales Floor]
      G[Handle Transactions]
      H[Respond to Inquiries]
  subgraph SC[Store Closing Tasks]
      I[Close Registers]
      J[Clean Store]
      K[Lock Doors]
      L[Prepare Deposits]
  A --> E
  B --> E
  C --> G
  D --> F
  G --> I
  E --> F
  H --> J
  F --> H
  I --> K
  J --> L
  L --> K

Generated Diagram (PlantUML) ~~ Templates: Activity Diagram - Basic ~~

Generated PlantUML Diagram

Generated Code

:Prepare store for opening;
:Stock shelves with products;
:Check inventory levels;
if (Customer arrives) then (yes)
  :Greet customer;
  :Assist with shopping;
  if (Customer is ready to checkout) then (yes)
    :Ring up items at register;
    :Accept payment;
    if (Customer has loyalty card) then (yes)
      :Apply loyalty discount;
    :Bag items;
  else (no)
    :Continue assisting customer;
else (no)
  :Continue stocking shelves;
:Close store at end of day;
:Clean store and reset for next day;

Decision-Making Flowchart

Example: Complaint Handling Flow

Specific Case: Outlines the steps from receiving a customer complaint to its resolution, aiding in prompt and effective responses. Helps predict outcomes for various decisions.

Instruction text for AI

Outlines the steps from receiving a customer complaint to its resolution, aiding in prompt and effective responses. Helps predict outcomes for various decisions.

Generated Diagram (mermaid) ~~ Templates: Flowchart - Decision Tree ~~

Generated Mermaid Diagram

Generated Code

graph TD
  A{Received Customer Complaint}
  A -->|Investigate| B[Initial Analysis]
  A -->|N/A or Incorrect Customer Information| AA[Inform Customer - Invalid Complaint]
  B -->|Issue Identified| C[Assign to Relevant Department]
  B -->|No Issue Identified| D[Inform Customer - No Action Needed]
  C --> E{Is Immediate Action Required?}
  E -->|Yes| F[Categorize as Urgent]
  E -->|No| G[Categorize as Non-Urgent]
  F --> H[Resolve Issue Promptly]
  H --> I[Notify Customer of Resolution]
  G --> J[Schedule Resolution Based on Priority]
  J --> I
  I --> K[Collect Feedback from Customer]
  D --> K
  K --> L[Review Feedback for Future Improvement]
  L --> M[Case Closed]
  AA --> M

Generated Diagram (PlantUML) ~~ Templates: Activity Diagram - Multiple conditions (Vertical) ~~

Generated PlantUML Diagram

Generated Code

!pragma useVerticalIf on

:Receive Customer Complaint;
if (Complaint Type == "Service") then (yes)
  :Log Service Complaint;
  :Assign to Service Team;

elseif (Complaint Type == "Product") then (yes)
  :Log Product Complaint;
  :Assign to Product Team;

else(none of these)
  :Log General Complaint;
  :Assign to General Support;


:Investigate Complaint;
if (Resolved?) then (yes)
  :Notify Customer of Resolution;
else (no)
  :Escalate Complaint to Manager;


Swimlane Diagram

Example: Product Development Flow

Specific Case: Maps out the roles and tasks of multiple departments involved in a product development project, clarifying responsibilities and enhancing collaboration.

Instruction text for AI

Maps out the roles and tasks of multiple departments involved in a product development project, clarifying responsibilities and enhancing collaboration.

Generated Diagram (PlantUML): Templates: Activity Diagram - Swimlane

Generated PlantUML Diagram

Generated Code

:Submit product requirements;

|Project Manager|
:Review requirements;
:Define project scope;
:Assign tasks;

|Design Team|
:Create initial design;
if (Design approved?) then (yes)
  :Finalize design;
else (no)
  :Revise design;
  :Submit for approval;

|Development Team|
:Implement feature;
:Code review;
if (Passes review?) then (yes)
  :Merge code;
else (no)
  :Refactor code;
  :Submit for review;

|Quality Assurance|
:Test feature;
if (Tests pass?) then (yes)
  :Approve release;
else (no)
  :Report bugs;
  :Development Team fixes bugs;
  :Retest feature;
  :Submit for approval;

|Project Manager|
:Review test results;
if (Approved for release?) then (yes)
  :Schedule release;
else (no)
  :Reevaluate project scope;

:Receive product;

BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation)

Example: Service Process Improvement

Specific Case: Visualizes customer service processes using BPMN, ensuring standardized procedures for efficient service delivery across different organizations.

Instruction text for AI

Visualizes customer service processes using BPMN, ensuring standardized procedures for efficient service delivery across different organizations.

Generated Diagram (PlantUML): Templates: Activity Diagram - Swimlane

Generated PlantUML Diagram

Generated Code

| Customer |
: Request service;
| Customer Service |
:Log request;
:Verify customer information;
if (Information correct?) then (yes)
  | Technical Support |
  :Assign technician;
  :Analyze issue;
  if (Can it be resolved now?) then (yes)
    :Resolve issue;
    :Document resolution;
    | Customer Service |
    :Update request status;
    :Inform customer;
  else (no)
    :Escalate issue;
    | Manager |
    :Review escalation;
    :Assign to senior technician;
    | Senior Technician |
    :Investigate issue;
    if (Issue resolved?) then (yes)
      :Resolve issue;
      :Document resolution;
      | Customer Service |
      :Update request status;
      :Inform customer;
    else (no)
      :Schedule on-site visit;
      :Visit customer location;
      :Resolve issue on-site;
      :Document resolution;
      | Customer Service |
      :Update request status;
      :Inform customer;
else (no)
  :Request additional information;
  :Update request status;
  :Inform customer;

Authentication Process Flowchart

Example: User Authentication Flow

Specific Case: Outlines the authentication process during user login, from user input, authentication, authorization, to success/failure, enhancing security measures.

Instruction text for AI

Outlines the authentication process during user login, from user input, authentication, authorization, to success/failure, enhancing security measures.

Generated Diagram (mermaid) ~~ Templates: Flowchart - Colored ~~

Generated Authentication Process Flowchart Colored Diagram

Generated Code

flowchart TD
  Start[Start]:::startStyle --> UserInput{User Inputs Credentials}:::decisionStyle
  UserInput -->|Valid Input| Authenticate{Authenticate User}:::processStyle
  UserInput -->|Invalid Input| Fail["Login Failed: Invalid Input"]:::failStyle
  Authenticate -->|Authenticated| Authorize{Authorize Access}:::authorizeStyle
  Authenticate -->|Not Authenticated| Fail
  Authorize -->|Authorized| Success["Login Successful"]:::successStyle
  Authorize -->|Not Authorized| Fail

  %% Links for clarity
  Start -.->|Initiation| UserInput
  UserInput -->|Forgot Password| Recover[Password Recovery]:::recoveryStyle
  Fail -.->|User Retry| UserInput

  %% Styling
  classDef startStyle fill:#6be,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px
  classDef decisionStyle fill:#4aa,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
  classDef processStyle fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
  classDef authorizeStyle fill:#ddf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
  classDef successStyle fill:#cfc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px
  classDef failStyle fill:#fdd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
  classDef recoveryStyle fill:#ffa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px

  %% Additional scenarios
  UserInput -->|Rate Limiting Triggered| SecureCheck["Security Check"]:::securityStyle
  SecureCheck -->|Cleared| Authenticate
  SecureCheck -->|Failed| Fail

  %% End Points
  Success -.->|Proceed to Dashboard| Dashboard[User Dashboard]:::dashboardStyle

  %% Additional Styling
  classDef securityStyle fill:#eef,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
  classDef dashboardStyle fill:#acb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px

Generated Diagram (mermaid) ~~ Templates: Flowchart - Colored With Subgraph Lane ~~

Generated Authentication Process Flowchart Colored Wiht Subgraph Lane Diagram

Generated Code

flowchart TD
  subgraph UserInput[User Input]
    style UserInput fill:#ffe0b2,stroke:#333
    Start[Start Login Process]:::startStyle --> InputDetails[Enter Credentials]:::inputStyle
    InputDetails --> ValidateInput{Valid Input?}:::decisionStyle

  subgraph Authentication[Authentication]
    style Authentication fill:#dcedc8,stroke:#333
    ValidateInput -->|Yes| AuthCheck[/Check Authentication/]:::authStyle
    AuthCheck --> Verify1[Verify Username]:::verifyStyle
    Verify1 --> Verify2[Verify Password]:::verifyStyle
    Verify2 --> MethodCheck{MFA Enabled?}:::decisionStyle

  subgraph MultiFactor[Multi-Factor Authentication]
    style MultiFactor fill:#b3e5fc,stroke:#333
    MethodCheck -->|Yes| SendCode[Send MFA Code]:::mfaStyle
    SendCode --> ValidateMFA[Validate MFA Code]:::mfaValidateStyle
    ValidateMFA -->|Success| AuthResult{Authentication Successful?}:::decisionStyle

  subgraph Authorization[Authorization]
    style Authorization fill:#ffcdd2,stroke:#333
    AuthResult -->|Yes| UserRoles[Check User Roles]:::authRoleStyle
    UserRoles --> GrantAccess[Grant Access]:::grantStyle
    GrantAccess --> EndSuccess((Authentication Success)):::endSuccessStyle

  subgraph FailureHandling[Failure Handling]
    style FailureHandling fill:#ffcc80,stroke:#333
    ValidateInput -->|No| DisplayError1[Display Input Error]:::errorStyle
    MethodCheck -->|No| AuthResult
    AuthResult -->|No| DisplayError2[Display Auth Error]:::errorStyle
    ValidateMFA -->|Fail| DisplayError2
    DisplayError1 --> EndFail((Authentication Fail)):::endFailStyle
    DisplayError2 --> EndFail

  Start -. "Begin Login" .-> InputDetails
  AuthCheck -. "Fetch Details" .-> Verify1
  ValidateInput -. "Validation" .-> InputDetails
  AuthCheck -. "Async Validation" .-> AuthResult
  MethodCheck -. "Check MFA Setup" .-> AuthResult
  AuthResult -. "Sync Check" .-> UserRoles
  GrantAccess -. "Granting" .-> EndSuccess